Cleaning your Salt Block

"Water is not your friend when cleaning the Salt Block"

Salt is naturally anti-microbial* and therefore does not need disinfecting.

Give it a quick wipe with a damp cloth and dry it well.

For a more thorough clean, we would like to suggest the following:

  • Scrape the caramelized left-over food off the block using a metal spatula or sharp blade

  • Sprinkle some coarse salt on the block and give it a rub with half a lemon.

  • Wipe the block with a damp cloth and allow to air dry.

  • NO Soap!

  • NO extended use of hot or cold water!

  • DO NOT DISH WASH - the salt block will crumble and dissolve and although you will have a very clean dish washing machine, you will no longer have a Salt block.

* Anti-microbial - an agent that kills or stops the growth of microorganisms*


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